Monday 1 October 2012

Comedy hour with 6W

So, we're a funny bunch (funny looking) but we've also got a few funny jokes to share with you!

From Ellie
What's a pirates favourite shop?


Katie says,
Why do people eat fish on friday?

Because it's Fry-day!

A funny one from Ola,
Why did the mushroom go to a party?

Because he was a fungi

Why did the duck cross the road?

because he was glued to the chicken.

From Hollie,
Why is 6 scared of 7?
Because seven eight nine!

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Hatch  who?
Bless you

From Ugne
Why did the cow cross the road?
Because he needed to MOOOOO-ve!

Savannah shares,
Why did the skeleton go to the BBQ?

To get some spare ribs!

And a final one from Kiera....

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Gladys who?
aren't you Gladys my last joke!?


Klaudia xx said...

Cool jokes and they VERY VERY funny:):)

Aaron said...

I like the jokes they made my mom lol,keep up the great work!!!

Manal said...

I loved it. Loved Hollie !!!!

connor c said...

they are funny

Lukef said...

These are funny

ishmam said...

we are so funny

Klaudia said...

No body beet are jokes.

Connor K said...

We are the best in JOKES:)

Lydia/ugne said...

We are a odd class with some strange ideas:D

abbie and megz said...

a bit odd but funny abbie and megs love this lol lol :) :):)


megan said...

we are odd!!! very very odd!!!